Your employer has provided us with the minimum requirements for your position. Please note that you must have obtained all experience before you began
employment with A company (my current company). Also, you must be able to obtain letters from former employers or professors to verify your experience.
If you did not obtain the experience before A company or if you cannot verify your experience, we cannot list the job requirement on the labor cert. application
我见,法居士,假博士,dang 721,劳叶及其他有识者
1。 本人现为A company support H-1B。既然劳工卡是为了A company将来的工作职位,为何申请者本人现在在 A company的工作经历不被考虑?
照这样说,无工作经验的大学毕业生,进A company后无论过了多少年积累了多少经验,申请劳工卡时招聘广告中只能 cannot list the job requirement on the labor cert. application 而可让无数人与其竞争应聘?
2。letter from former employers or professors, 一定要公司或学校官方签发的信函还是前同僚,教授个人的类似推荐信之类(使用公司学校抬头的信纸)即可?