popcorn20062007-01-28 22:21:02
My passport will expire in July 2007. I have a family emergency and need to go back to China next week. Will I have any problems for the travel? I heard it is required to keep the passport valid for the next six months at least. I have green card.

Does anyone have similar experience? What can I do now? Thanks.
大卷草纸2007-01-28 22:40:23
xiaobaitu2007-01-28 22:46:19
You also can renew your Chinese passport in China,the
popcorn20062007-01-29 00:16:43
回复:You also can renew your Chinese passport in China,the
xiaobaitu2007-01-29 00:25:14
大卷草纸2007-01-29 02:00:12