ranto2004-02-24 23:35:47
What could be the consequence if I continue to work for the company after my opt expired?
I mean, my opt will expire in July and I may apply the H-1B in April. If approved, I can work legally in October and after. I can change to H4 visa, but how can I ask the company to keep the position for me for 2 months?
I wonder, if I just keep working in August and September, will the immigration department be able to find out? I know somebody didn't tell the truth about their salary when applied for H-1B. Because the immigration department won't double check with other departments, as the situation that people who illegally worked in the US can have the tax ID and pay tax.
Does anybody have any idea about that?
Thanks a lot.
1115552004-02-25 04:29:09
回复:Pls help.
sdfsdfsdff2004-02-25 19:35:20
when apply for GC