Dragon-Horse2007-02-03 15:09:27
EB1, I-485 has been Pengding for 18 months.
6 个月前打电话询问,Email 答复是: The processing of your case has been delayed. 上个星期又打电话问,这次的答复是:Your application is not considered to be outside normal processing time. 后边的内容与上次相同--A check of our records establishes that your case is not yet ready for decision, as the required investigation into your background remains open.

xiaobaitu2007-02-03 15:22:12
Dragon-Horse2007-02-03 18:13:46
Xiaobaitu: 您认为有可能是什么原因呢?
xiaobaitu2007-02-03 18:42:36