July722004-02-25 13:09:54

I am planning to go back to China use AP. What kinds of other documents I need to bring with me besides passport and AP in order to come back to US. Who should I submit my original I-94 card, airlines company or there is some place I need to looks for to drop the card? I changed my status while in US, the orginal I-94 doesn't match my current status, do I need to submit my current I-94 paper I got from the INS? Besides the passport, do I need other document so that I can leave China. All replies are appreciated
July722004-02-25 13:27:56
Please Help
immigrate2004-02-25 14:32:24
回复:Help - go back China with AP
July722004-02-25 23:33:59
Thanks lot - one more question