lawer62007-02-12 03:21:46

我本身是Los Angeles 的居民,2005 年到New York 参加一个考试,考完当时自我感觉并不理想,当天有来Menses,在这样的一个背景下我毫无目的地在一家购物中心闲逛,选了几样小百货交了钱出中心闲逛时警玲大响,这才发现自己还有物品没交钱,便乖乖的随保安进保安室,向他们解释我不是故意的,并自愿交罚款,但他们根本不理会我,只说已经报警,让我等警察,之后是进警察局,打指纹,进法院,见法官,法官问我有物品没交钱这是不是事时?我回答是的,但不是故意的,法官当庭宣判案子6个月后会自动Dismiss,再之后我就是万念皆灰的回到了Los Angeles,生活在一种深深的自我否定的心理状态下.

我的移民身分是485 Pending,二月初收到移民局的信,原文如下:


1. Evidence available to this service indicates that you have previously been arrested in the state of New York on August 2005.To establish eligibility for the benefit sought you must court certified dispositions that clearly address the criminal changes and any penalties (fine, jail sentence, probation etc) that were assessed. A court disposition is also required if the charges were dismissed.

2. In addition to certified court dispositions for your arrest, you must also a written statement explaining in detail the circumstances of the incident that led to the arrest and charges. Provide specific details and describe your actions and participation in the incident.

求问: 对与问题1, 我有法院的 CERTIFICATE OF DISPOSTION 带 SEAL 的一封信,这够吗?
对与问题 2, 我可以自己写这个回信吗? 还是必须找律师事务所?


sweetsweety2007-02-12 16:22:52
find a lawyer to help you
lawer62007-02-12 17:11:03
xiaobaitu2007-02-12 23:55:28
fsa20002007-02-13 04:15:46