雅鱼2007-02-14 02:24:06
I have a cousin, who is currently on H1-B visa in the US. He was involved in a charge on domestic violence (assult), which has been dismissed and expunged now.
Can any of the attorney kindly explain: how his stituation will affect his re-entry into the US and his future green card application? Also, how will it affect his parents application to visit the US?
Really appreciate your kind help!
MaggieMay_Pei2007-02-14 02:31:29
Shouldn't hurt his parents' chance to apply for B2
雅鱼2007-02-14 02:33:32
多谢!! what he can do if he wants to travel internationally?
xiaobaitu2007-02-14 02:39:29
雅鱼2007-02-14 02:40:40
xiaobaitu2007-02-14 02:46:32
Advance Parole (事先许可回美纸)