感谢多谢谢2004-02-27 00:33:41
I will file ETA-750 for Labor Certification. In 2002 I had a part-time job using part-time OPT (maximum 20 hours/week). But in some three weeks, I worked 28 hours in order to finish a project in time. And unfortunately, I accepted the pay for the over-work. In the ETA-750 form, I will say that I worked 20 hours/week. Will INS ask the detailed working history through my previous employer? What is the worst result if they found I had over-worked? Any one has some idea?

有经验的朋友们, 我该怎么办啊, 万分感谢!!!

Death.....2004-02-27 00:40:50
Calm down.Do scare yourself to
感谢多谢谢2004-02-27 01:09:00
Labor Certification