freewilly2007-02-22 21:48:52
The son of a close friend of mine is my god-son. He is 12 years old in China. I'd like to invite him to live with us in the US for 2 months in tHE summer. I have already found tHE summer camp programs for him, but the question is how he can get his VISA.

I have made a bunch of calls to my local elementary school and middle school, they said they didn't know how to get him a visa to come here.

What shouLD I do? Any advice wpuld be appreciated. Youa re welcome to send email to


MartinLu20033152007-02-22 23:27:57
Go to some private school who offer a short time class
freewilly2007-02-23 02:32:40
well, summer camp are private schools
bioinfo2007-02-23 02:45:24
回复:well, summer camp are private schools