- 文学城
- [immigration]
The petitioner ted evidence of having a good number of published articles in leading scientific journals. The petitioner also ted evidence that his work has been cited a large number of times by other researchers. The petitioner has also presented his findings at conference proceedings. The evidence establishes that the petitioner has met the authorship criterion (v1).
(这一条符合了。注意a good number of published articles in leading scientific journals.)
(About awards, skip part. I have won some first place awards for research papers in my province and city, and president scholarship from Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is counted below as “academic awards”) The petitioner’s awards were either provincial which limits the scope of the award, or academic in nature. Awards won on the local or provincial level do not qualify under this criterion as the competition is not available to other scientists outside the region. Academic awards do not qualify for this criterion because they are not awards for outstanding achievement in the field of endeavor. The evidence does not establish that the petitioner meets the awards criterion (i).
The petitioner ted evidence of membership in Sigma Xi. The membership requirements of Sigma Xi require that an individual publish as first author on two articles, have a patent, written reports, or a thesis. Therefore, the minimum requirements of the society are readily attainable by any member of the scientific community who regularly publishes, or to those that have pursued a doctoral degree and therefore wrote a thesis. The evidence does not establish that the petitioner is a member of an organization that requires outstanding achievement (ii).
(Sigma Xi 我还是以前在这里看到的。这个membership难道一点用都没有?还有什么更高的membership?)
The petitioner ted evidence of being involved in the peer review process for several scientific journals. The process of peer review is widely undertake by active researchers and publishers in the scientific community. The petitioner did not evidence of a large number of review works, evidence of sitting on an editorial board, or membership on an industry advisory board. The petitioner has not set himself above his peers through his work as a peer reviewer. Therefore, the petitioner has failed to establish that he is a judge of the work of others in the field (iv).
(我交了大概有为10来本不同的杂志审稿的证据。其中有两篇是评审博士论文。这还不是a large number of review works?要多少才是large number?可惜我找每个审稿的杂志厚着脸皮要了那么多证明信。我是搞数学的,哪里有可能进什么industry advisory board?)
Finally, the petitioner ted numerous reference letters from colleagues and peers. These letters support the approval of the petition and state that the petitioner’s work is original and noteworthy. Absence corroborating evidence such as approved patent applications or other relevant evidence to substantiate the petitioner’s claims of original scientific contribution of major significance, the petitioner failed to establish he meets criterion (v).
(这上面说我交了numerous reference letters(Origial+为REF letter补交的,14封啊。包括美国和其它六七个国家的,有一个是墨西哥数学会前任主席)证明我的研究原创性。还有什么corroborating evidence?搞数学的哪来的什么approved patent application?我申请里表明我在国际领先杂志上发表了42篇论文,被他人引用320次,我定义的空间被别人在文章的题目里用我的名字命名,我被邀请作国际会议的主要报告人,我的结果被引用到美国出版的学术书里,等等。这些证据还不够吗?)
not fair at all...impressed by yr academic achievement...
this won't impact yr H1-B status, but EAD/AP is invalid
从sigma xi网站的首页看,这个协会肯定够了。不知
个人经验 回复:贴贴我的拒绝信(部分),请大家帮忙诊断一下,还有
Why don't you try efiling first?
Thanks for the link! It looks great. I will seriously think abou
BTW, Could I appeal and do the E-file at the same time?
I don't have answer for this. I have include
Thanks. The link says: 404 - Requested Page Not Found on Site
回复:so strong case, definitely get approval after appealing. g
This move is not smart at all!
What should I do? Worry. 回复:This move is not smart at all!