needinghelp2007-03-12 22:45:26
I was told that I was considered as a US resident alient for tax purpose in 2006. But, the Payroll office said that I should use 1040 NR or 1040 NR EZ forms to file my taxt return. I am very confused. They could not give a good explanation. I am not sure if they were correct. Anyone would like to clarify this issue?
waiterWait2007-03-13 00:01:24
If you have been in the U.S. for over a year, you can use reside
waiterWait2007-03-13 02:30:21
-nt version (Form 1040, or 1040EZ for incomes under 100K)
needinghelp2007-03-13 17:55:59
回复:-nt version (Form 1040, or 1040EZ for incomes under 100K)
waiterWait2007-03-13 20:28:41
try to get all benefits you are entitled