bbpipi2007-03-15 17:34:13
My case was transferred from VSC to TSC. Anybody knows why they transferred my case? My hu*****and has already got his card and my case is under Name check. _:'(
spring12122007-03-15 17:55:19
me too!don't know why.
北美天空的鹰2007-03-15 17:59:34
Me Three, My case was also transfer from vsc to tsc, good or bad
mews012007-03-15 18:11:43
回复:Me Three, My case was also transfer from vsc to tsc, good
mews012007-03-15 18:14:21
回复:me four
risesdzch2007-03-15 18:22:03
回复:My case was transferred
desheng20022007-03-15 18:22:30
me five!
nycrocket2007-03-15 19:15:26
Me six. but my PD is not currentl yet
needwait..2007-03-15 19:19:58
It means VSC don't go through this kind of case again
wumingxiaobei2007-03-15 21:36:04
me seven.
happysmallpuppy2007-03-16 04:27:40
回复:My case was transferred