lifesaver2004-03-04 18:38:52
Currently H1 but will lose job soon. Applied 485 dependent on spouse. Is it legal status if without job? Someone said I should apply H4, but I don't want to because H4 cannot work. If I can find a job later, I can apply EAD. Can I stay legally without applying H4? Thank you very much!
H4orNewH12004-03-04 18:55:34
No,you shouldn't.U hv to be
Lifesaver2004-03-04 20:12:12
回复:No,you shouldn't.U hv to be
假博士2004-03-04 20:37:56
回复:回复:No,you shouldn't.U hv to be
lifesaver2004-03-04 21:05:16
回复:回复:回复:No,you shouldn't.U hv to be