绿客2007-03-30 18:11:22
我已经办了H1B extension. 我儿子是否也要办 H4B extension? 否则是不是就失去身份了?

今天绿了吗2007-03-30 18:15:34
yes, all need extension
绿客2007-03-30 18:33:32
d_outside2007-03-30 18:36:08
No, do not waist money. I-485 receipt is enough for him
今天绿了吗2007-03-30 18:59:11
if 485 was denied, you don't have H-1, and you dead
waterdragonhead2007-03-30 19:21:46
if 485 is denied, what's the point of staying here?
今天绿了吗2007-03-30 19:29:07
if 485 is denied, you still can stay and re-file.Or you will hav
今天绿了吗2007-03-30 19:29:49
回复:if 485 is denied, you still can stay with your H-1B and re
今天绿了吗2007-03-30 19:31:53
回复:回复:if 485 is denied, you still can stay with your H-1B