elmo20062007-04-04 16:18:38
I haven't received my green card yet but I have I-551 on the passport. What kind of documents do I need to bring with me when I visit China? Thansk!
大卷草纸2007-04-04 16:19:42
elmo20062007-04-04 16:22:39
Can I change the job using I-551?
elmo20062007-04-04 16:22:59
Any risk?
xiaobaitu2007-04-04 16:24:45
xiaobaitu2007-04-04 16:26:09
If your I-551 base on LC,keep current job at least 6 months
elmo20062007-04-04 16:29:36
My lawyer told me for at least 2-3 month? Any idea?
xiaobaitu2007-04-04 16:44:11
elmo20062007-04-04 16:46:29
What kinds trouble will cause me if so? Please advise!
xiaobaitu2007-04-04 16:56:21
If CIS think no permanent position there , that mean
elmo20062007-04-04 18:16:50
Sounds serious. Have you seens anything like this before? Thanks
xiaobaitu2007-04-04 18:28:33
elmo20062007-04-04 20:28:42
Thank you for the information!