questionss2007-04-05 19:43:29
请教各位,加拿大枫业卡照片是不是一定要exactly white plain background. 跑了好几家, 照出来的都是有点兰底的,看上去不是纯白的. 听说加拿大枫业卡照片要求很严,不知道有点兰底的照片交山去会不会要重拍.请给点意见.

firestone2007-04-05 20:54:28
why are you?
questionss2007-04-05 21:00:08
回复:why are you?
firestone2007-04-05 21:02:18
回复:回复:why are you?
questionss2007-04-05 21:06:07
回复:回复:回复:why are you?
cth1632007-04-05 21:32:33
CostCo's photo is good.
hban2007-04-06 01:58:01
when do you plan to do landing?
lyka2007-04-06 03:53:20
They won't take any picture when you land. So prepare the photos