gvisaevisa2003-10-10 21:55:00
My parents came to visit me in May 2001, extended their visa for six month, went back to China in May 2002 before their extension expired. Now I want to invite them to visit me again. Are they eligible to use the bank drop-off instead of interviewing at the Embassy? I read through the instructions on the Embassy web site, seems like they are eligible. But somewhere at the web site it mentions:
Must be renewing a visa that has not yet expired, or if the visa has expired, the expiration date cannot be more than 12 months prior to the date the application is submitted to the CITIC Bank

This statement makes me think that my parents may not be eligible for bank drop-off because their visa expired in May 2002. I am confused. Can anyone help? Thanks!

immigrate2003-10-10 21:57:00
They are not qualified.