pipper2007-04-09 21:00:13
我的Eb-1a RFE都递上去6个月了, 一直没有消息. 打电话问等了45天才收到一封信。 信上说“All petitions/applications received by this Service are required to have routine secutiry checks that are resulting in delays of adjudication of petitions/application. We can give no definite indication of when they will be complete" 这是不是指 FBI name check, 怎么在I-140就开始了。各位大虾有谁碰到过这种情况,该怎麽办那?请给出出主意! 我这里先谢谢了。
sleepingtiger2007-04-09 21:07:28
Did you cofiled I-485?
pipper2007-04-09 21:09:56
pipper2007-04-09 21:28:29