yongyongya2004-03-07 13:02:29
Hi, everyone,

I applied for H1B in the middle of fourth semester of my PhD program and it was approved on Feb. 18th. I told the department about it and to my surprise the department head was furious about it. He threatened to take legal action against me. He said that I messed up the lab teaching schedule. But I believe it is more because his ego got hurt rather than the schedule. The lab teaching is about some trival stuff and I have found someone to teach my lab hours who has taught the same stuff before.

My question is that if I can just leave without having to worry about the threat. I have to report to work very soon and as a matter of fact, I have found the new apartment for me and my family in the new place. I plan to leave next Wedbesday. I would appreciate it if you guys can advise me on how to deal with the situation. Thanks.
didIsLeaga2004-03-07 13:44:23
I think you are fine. All you
yongyongya2004-03-07 19:18:43
But they say the offer letter