ny123452007-04-10 15:58:35
2001年8月份来美, 2006年OPT开始, 2006年 11月份 转H1,

我去年需要交SOCIAL security and medical care TAX吗,或者应该从什么时候开始交?
Costello2007-04-10 15:55:37
回复:OPT之间要交SOCIAL security and medical care TAX吗?
Costello2007-04-10 15:57:14
回复:回复:OPT之间要交SOCIAL security and medical care TAX吗?
ny123452007-04-10 15:59:16
回复:回复:OPT之间要交SOCIAL security and medical care TAX吗?
Costello2007-04-10 16:04:54
回复:回复:回复:OPT之间要交SOCIAL security and medical care TA
d_outside2007-04-10 16:22:08
No, but pay starts with H1B
starwars2007-04-10 16:28:48
回复:No, but pay starts with H1B
DANGZHONG2007-04-10 17:06:21
回复:回复:No, but pay starts with H1B
d_outside2007-04-10 18:24:09
"有什么好处吗?": IT is the law dude !
DANGZHONG2007-04-10 18:39:15
回复:"有什么好处吗?": IT is the law dude !
starwars2007-04-10 20:05:15
回复:回复:回复:No, but pay starts with H1B
DANGZHONG2007-04-10 22:26:59
回复:回复:回复:回复:No, but pay starts with H1B