ruru2007-04-12 16:24:48
打了好几次电话,告诉接线员我file 了 law suit against uscis and fbi, 要求跟us attorney 通话,电话被转了之后,总是没有人接听,我还留了言,也没有收到过回复。怎么办呢?我的案子送到他们那里已经1个半月了。
aftercard2007-04-12 16:27:00
Who are you? why they want to talk to you
d_outside2007-04-12 16:37:02
trick: just leave phone #. No name, no case # etc.
ruru2007-04-12 20:02:05
可是我看到很多人都跟us attorney联系的啊
ruru2007-04-12 20:02:43
really? I left my name and case number