fenglan2007-04-15 14:57:28
Xiaobaitu replied to my previous post that I need to be present in US to file the AP renewal. But how to define presence in US? Meaning that i need to be present when I drop the file to mail or be present to obtain the receipt? Basically how does USCIS verify my presence in US when filing for AP renwal? Please help with my dilemma. Thanks.

Original question is below:
我现有的AP年底到期。打算下月回国,年底再回来。考虑到申请至批准的滞后问题,想在年底前申请AP RENEW。人不在美国时FILE,会有问题吗?
fenglan2007-04-15 16:53:34
回复:AP renewal dilemma - please help
fenglan2007-04-15 16:54:04
xiaobaitu, I detailed my situation in my original posting, can y
xiaobaitu2007-04-15 17:21:22
I have answered downstair.