对自己的case有些担心,所以想File 1-140 Premium Process, just to have a peace of mind。律师要额外收取一千刀(in addition to $1000 to US Department of Homeland Security)。一是囊中羞涩,二是觉得不值(我认为如果我作Premium Processing,给律师增加的额外负担/工作只是需要多填一张Form I-907, which, according to Form I-907 instruction, only require 10 minutes to learn about the law and form; 5 minutes to complete the form and 5 minutes to the request。 - 如有不同意见,欢迎讨论)。
我的计划是,让律师先file I-140,等到收到I-797以后,再请我的雇主file I-907,同时在同一信封里寄去雇主的TAX RETURN (This is a whole different story ---- my boss is very very sensative and concern about his tax return, he doesn't trust attorney either, he only agree to send out the tax return by himself. )
我现在的问题是:1) File I-140以后,大约多久会收到I-797? 2) 律师帮我file I-140, 我的雇主file I-907 (我想律师是不会在I-907上签字的,因为没钱收),这样可以么? 3)我有必要通知律师我有作加快申请么? 律师有途径可以知道我是否作了加快申请么? 4)我的雇主可以在I-907的信封里附上TAX RETURN么?