来访者求助2007-04-18 22:03:57
我前不久递交了AP申请,今天收到CIS的信要求“Proof of Immigration Status”: evidence that you qualify as a Lawful Permanent Residence of Conditional Resident or that you ajusted to lawful permanent resident status based on a refugee or asylee claim for issuance of a Reentry Permit or a Refugee Travel Document: A Photocopy of the front and back sides of your your sides of your Form I-551 Permanent Rsidence Card, as proof of your status as a lawful permanent or conditional resident of the United States and as proof of your identity. The copies must Clearly show
both your photograph and card information.

If you have not received your Form I-551 Permanent Resident Card, a copy of the biographic page of your passport and the page of your passport indicating initial admission as a permanent or conditional resident. Or, you can other evidence that you are a permanent or conditional resident such as temporary evidence of lawful permanent or conditional resident status or a copy of the approved notice of a separate application for replacement of your permanent resident card. The copies must clearly show both your photograph and your card information.

evidence that you qualify as a Refugee or an Asylee for issuance of a Refugee Travel Document. To qualify you must have been admitted, paroled, or granted status in the United States as a refugee. Standard black and white photocopies most often do not cleary show the information, ..........
那位大侠知道他们到底要什么,我的身份为H1,递了485申请,stuck再NC,应该还没有所谓的移民身份,怎么提交证明,不会把我当成申请Reentry Permi吧。谢谢指点。
xiaobaitu2007-04-18 22:58:48
欢乐帽子2007-04-18 23:20:15
来访者求助2007-04-19 00:16:20