lyon2007-04-19 21:17:52
妇女行人工流产之权力之决定的态度,以确定你希望零八年谁将入主 the white house.

Dear lyon,

We already knew how important this election was for every American. Yesterday, the Supreme Court raised the stakes even higher.

The Court took a dramatic departure from decades of rulings that upheld a woman's right to choose and recognized the importance of women's health. Let's be clear: this allows the government to dictate to women what they can and cannot do about their own health.

Justice Ruth Bader Gin*****urg disagreed with this decision and warned, "This cannot be understood as anything other than an effort to chip away at a right declared again and again by this court -- and with increasing comprehension of its centrality to women's lives."

When the Senate debated the nominations of Samuel Alito and John Roberts to the Supreme Court, I spoke out on the Senate floor about the danger they posed to our constitutional liberties, including the right to choose. I urged my colleagues to reject them, and I voted against both of them. Yesterday, unfortunately, we saw the consequences of failing to stop their confirmations.

The decade of work that the far right has done to chip away at our rights was paid off in this Supreme Court decision. They worked hard to gain the presidency and the Senate so they could shape a Supreme Court that rewarded them by putting a narrow ideology above our constitutional rights. In their ruling, the conservative majority even used right-wing code language, referring to obstetricians as "abortion doctors."

There's one way we can respond: redouble our efforts to win the White House and more seats in the House and Senate. We need a president who understands that the best way to protect women's health and reduce the number of abortions is to expand access to family planning -- not to threaten doctors and patients. We need a Congress that will say no to rolling back the rights of women.

And here is my promise to you: As a senator, I will do everything I can to make sure women can protect their health, and when I am president, I will treat the health and well being of women and our constitutional rights once again as true American values.

I hope you'll pass this message along to your friends and talk with them about why this issue is important to you. I'll follow up with you soon with ways you can take direct action to protect our right to choose.

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Dear lyon,

My name is Kate Michelman. I was president of NARAL Pro-Choice America for nearly 20 years. I've dedicated my adult life to advancing women's dignity, freedom and equality. Today, I'm angry and alarmed about the future. And I'm ready to fight.

Yesterday, a closely divided Supreme Court voted to allow Congress and state legislators to ban a specific abortion procedure—even if the health of the woman is at grave risk and even if her doctor thinks this procedure is the best one for her particular situation. It is nothing less than the greatest blow to a woman's right to reproductive freedom since that right was first guaranteed more than 30 years ago.

In yesterday's opinion, three of the justices again argued that ALL decisions guaranteeing reproductive rights are wrong. And remember, the two Supreme Court Justices nearest to retirement are staunch defenders of women's rights—just imagine if another Republican president is allowed to replace them. You know as well as I do that the right wing won't stop at a woman's right to decide. They've painted a bulls eye on a broad range of privacy rights, civil liberties and other basic rights that we take for granted.

This is one of the most important reasons all of us—but especially women—must be fiercely committed to electing a Democratic president in 2008 who will protect and defend our rights. And that is why I am so strongly committed to electing John Edwards.