baloney2007-04-20 16:26:35
发信人: who (who), 信区: Immigration
标 题: I-485 approved today from TSC
发信站: BBS (Thu Apr 19 09:41:26 2007)

Just want to share the good news,
EB-2 (RIR priority date May 3, 2003)
RD 11/1/2006 TSC
AD 04/19/2007

My LD's case is still pending tho.
知名度比较高2007-04-20 16:21:20
恭喜! 请问可以重新发为活动贴,供大家长期分享吗?谢谢!方法见内。
baloney2007-04-20 16:24:26
It is not my 485. I transfered the post FYI to people here.