高地2007-04-29 17:36:28
Yesterday I received an notice for 2nd FD (code 1) next week. My PD is July 2005 (NIW),transferred from VSC to TSC in March, first FP (Code 3) was done in November 2005. Does it mean that 1) Name check cleared? 2) Visa bulletin will move forward in the mext few months? 3) Just nothing bcause my first FP exprires?

Any comments will be appreciated.
usa123452007-04-29 19:09:10
I guess the third choice is the answer.
usmoney2007-04-29 23:26:08
me2. 1FP is 2/2006. not expire yet. first option is more possibl
usmoney2007-04-29 23:32:21
Is it possible tha all cases PD be4 10/01/2005 will receive thei
高地2007-04-30 01:37:15
Let's hope this is a good sign