福娃妈妈2007-05-01 00:28:01
I have a question about the I-156 form.

If interviewing the B2 visa at Beijing, and I filled out the online I-156 form for my parents, do they need to manually fill out the chinese version I-156 by getting the form from Bank of Zhong1 Xin4?

Thanks a lot for the reply.

afewgoodman2007-05-01 00:28:48
yes, chinese version is always required.
福娃妈妈2007-05-01 00:39:51
回复:yes, chinese version is always required.
ThinkPanda2007-05-01 01:21:53
福娃妈妈2007-05-01 01:53:46
NIW_fog2007-05-01 03:01:35
wys2007-05-01 05:00:56
You need to mail the filled form to your parants in China
ThinkPanda2007-05-01 12:13:56