elle26w2007-05-02 04:56:44

Here is the latest update from Senate offices on CIR:

The bill on the senate side will be introduced on May 14th. It is not yet finalized which bill will be taken up. The alternative bill which would result from negotiations by Sen Kyl on Republican side and Sen Kennedy on Democratic side is not yet final. Whether its that bill or STRIVE or last year's CIR, the text of this bill may not be available until the last moment when its introduced.

Most likely the bill will bypass the Senate Judiciary committee. The reason is the shortage of time. It will be brought to the senate floor directly by Senate Majority leader Sen. Harry Reid. He would invoke Rule 14 and bring the bill (whichever bill has most consensus) directly on the floor. This would happen regardless of any agreement between principals -- Sen. Kennedy and Sen. Kyl.


The negotiations between Sen. Kennedy and Sen. Kyl are turbulent and they broke down last thursday evening. They are going to meet again today(May 1st). They will try to meet somewhere in the middle as far as citizenship issues and family based immigration issues are concerned which has driven a wedge between Sen. Kyl and Sen. Kennedy.


The best thing you can do is to call the offices of Senate in Washington DC to ask lawmakers to pass comprehensive bill. If you live in Arizona or Massachussetts, its even more important that you call office of Sen. Kennedy and Sen. Kyl and ask them to reach a compromise on CIR.