cao2dan2007-05-18 07:57:57

我的I140申请需补充材料: 2002--2006 的W2收入. 每一张W2收入要大于'prevailing wage of $69872'. 否则就要附公司的'additional evidence that the company had the ability to pay the wage during that year in the form of tax returns, audited financials statements or an annual report'.

我2003--2006的W2收入都超'prevailing wage', 但是2002的W2要比'prevailing wage'低六百. 2002和前一年公司发了'stock options'和'Restricted Stock Units'.但是2002年都没有卖, 所以这些'compensation'收入都没有体现在2002年的W2中.

现在不知道该怎么和公司秘书谈这事. 还有的就是这种材料'tax returns'和'annual report'公司一般保留几年? 怎样公司才算'had the ability to pay the wage during that year'?

敬请各位大侠还有xiaobaitu指教. --在线急等中--