welldone20072007-05-25 20:42:54
Do I need second transfer? (as far as I know, the old employer should not revoke my old H1)
doshexh2007-05-25 21:01:09
回复:tough question: H1 transferred - laid off - if go back to old
welldone20072007-05-25 21:25:16
sorry, I have not been laid off yet by second employer, but it's
afewgoodman2007-05-25 21:40:18
Better transfer, since you need to work for them anyway.
welldone20072007-05-25 23:11:15
I found a link, but I don't know if it's still correct. No offic
welldone20072007-05-25 23:22:03
more link
welldone20072007-05-26 01:58:48
anybody knows more details?