help10w2007-05-27 00:19:39
I came US in 1997 with J1 visa, half year late move to Canada to join my wife up there. Things look OK until the Tech bubble burst and I lost my job in 2004.

I got a Job in US with TN visa in 2004, transferred to H1B late, now it's the time to file I-485, then the 2 year foreign residence requirement finally come to my case blocker

(1) Now I'm a Canada citizen, how can I fulfill the 2 year home country residence, which is China?

(2) Can I get a waiver in anyway.

(3) By checking 文学城, Now I understood I should not apply H1B before the 2 year residence. I really did not realize it at the beginning. Lawyer handle paper most paper work...

(3) What is the best thing i can do for now ?

Thanks a million!!!
xiaobaitu2007-05-27 01:49:40
If you can't get a no-object letter from Chinese embassy