conwayar2007-05-29 21:02:19
In the instruction I received from the US district court, I was only asked to serve the defendants.So I did. Many posts in this forum mentioned that US attorney should also be served. Is it necessary? Thanks in advance for your reply.
d_outside2007-05-29 22:00:06
yes, and AUSA is the only one you will work/fight with
conwayar2007-05-29 22:47:12
回复:yes, and AUSA is the only one you will work/fight with
mission082007-05-29 23:35:23
If you read FRCP carefully (which you should anyways if doing Pr
mission082007-05-29 23:35:55
Pro Se
conwayar2007-05-30 03:46:07
whom to serve