好汉2007-06-01 02:54:57
G-325A表格在中有这么一栏,“ all copies of this form:
if your native alphabet is in order than Roman letters, write your name in your native alphabet below:"

好多问号2007-06-01 03:03:34
blackclouds2007-06-01 03:04:03
mission082007-06-01 08:04:39
I believe it is not a SIGNATURE in Chinese, just print/write cl
GCinNSC2007-06-01 16:25:42
Help!, my attorney do not require me to write 中文签名
GCinNSC2007-06-01 18:36:29
Ding! XBT , radiology, or anyone with experience could help?
Question1002007-06-01 20:44:13
No.回复:Ding! XBT , radiology, or anyone with experience could hel
GCinNSC2007-06-02 02:29:08
Thanks. Hope that will not make trouble in NC.