qiqimom2007-06-01 04:03:42
I want to hire an attorney to file WOM for my Green Card case. The attorney needs me to sign G-28N form. But I have already signed G-28N form with my company lawyer who originally filed my I-485. My concern is if I sign the form, the WOM attorney will replace my company attorney in USCIS record, and the WOM attorney will represent me for all future I-485 issues, whereas all my Green Card petition documents are still with my company lawyer. What should I do? Is it a requirement to sign G-28 form if file WOM with a attorney? Anyway, I do not want to let company lawyer know that I will file WOM.

Please advice and share your experience. Thank you in advance!
mission082007-06-01 07:59:01
Your lawyers would be your best resource on this but