shangxinle2007-06-06 14:49:11
经过漫长痛苦的等待, 办了4年半的绿卡之路突然中断,全家一片愁云。办砸的律师说只能重办,但是这就意为着lose priority day, 重新等待。请问谁能推荐几位负责任,有丰富经验的律师 (最好在华盛顿,费城和纽约)看看能不能补救这个案子?

嗨, 在这里先多谢各位大侠了?
closeby2007-06-06 14:55:26
回复:I-140 被惨拒绝, 伤心透顶,请办成的朋友推荐几位好律师?
lyon2007-06-06 14:58:03
回复:I-140 被惨拒绝, 伤心透顶,没有你相关的背景资料,谁
lyon2007-06-06 15:00:57
fsa20002007-06-06 15:01:13
please post your case details. Maybe I can help
shangxinle2007-06-06 15:11:04
回复:please post your case details. Maybe I can help
huih2007-06-06 16:40:48
Your lawyer did not deal professionally.
CARN2007-06-06 17:50:02
But is it true that if the net assets is positive, there is stil
helenlusi2007-06-07 18:43:06
回复:回复:please post your case details. Maybe I can help