thanksbblj2007-06-08 16:41:22
1.护照要复印几页? 485 instruction 明明说:Copy of passport page with nonimmigrant visa.If you have obtained a nonimmigrant visa(s) from anAmerican embassy or consulate abroad within the last year, a photocopy(ies) of the page(s) of your passport containing the visa(s).为什么很多律师要复印全部包括空白页?(我很怀疑移民官有耐心翻看全部)。
2.是否要交以前所有的J1, H1 其间的approval receipts? 我有很多过去IAP-66,DS-2019,H1 approvels. 485 instruction 里面并没有要求交这些,我虽然没有聘律师,可是知道很多律师却要求。我想只交一个现在有效的H1 approval, 可以吗?因为交的多事情也多,也乱,请问你们是怎么办的?
doshexh2007-06-08 17:14:08
回复:自己交485, 几个小问题,麻烦好心人回答.
thanksbblj2007-06-08 17:34:41
Thanks a lot! Have a nice weekend!