TigerLady2007-06-10 17:37:57
As I mentioned in my last post, I want to apply green card for my parents. However, they could not come to US at the sametime because one has to stay home to take care of my grandpa.

Can I I-130 and I-485 for my dad once he comes to US and let him wait for green card here, and at the sametime, I-130 for my mom and let her go through Guangzhou Consulate route?

Will it cause any problem during the processing?
Any time difference between these two approaches?

Thanks a lot for your continuous help. Wish that your air-conditioners have been fixed already.
xiaobaitu2007-06-10 17:41:22
You can do it,but your mom can't get a visitor visa since
altima992007-06-10 18:49:30
what visa for your dad to come? if B visa, can you
TigerLady2007-06-10 21:06:12
Thanks. Immigration is a path of joy and sadness.
TigerLady2007-06-10 21:11:09
B1/B2 visa