heartsnow2007-06-14 04:35:14
I just registered in order to share with you a good immigration lawyer, because I know this is a time sensitive issue. My lawyer is very knowledgeable, efficient, and responsible.

Monique Kornfield did my NIW in 2005 to catch the Sept deadline. I only started in late July that year, and she warned me about the possible retrogression before Sept 2005 VB was out. She filed my application the next day after I gave her all the required documents without any delay. She always answers my emails herself within a day (mostly a couple of hours), from my first inquiry till present when my NIW was approved long time ago (No RFE) but i485 is still pending.

I see many people asking for recommendations for good immigration lawyers. It's hard to find a good one. I've heard people complaining about their lawyers. Some act very slow. Some behave differently before and after receiving the legal fees. Some leave everything to paralegals. Some disappear after filing the cases.

Since no one can guarantee 100% success rate, I'd trust a responsible lawyer. As I'm very happy with my lawyer, I would like to share this with all of you. You may find her website at http://www.mhkimmigration.com/. You can also email her (mkornfeld@mhkimmigration.com).

I wish all can file in time before the PD retrogresses again!
myturnnow2007-06-14 05:17:15