I am filling the forms. Can you give us some help?
medical examination:
期都回我那边,那么就把ld 485 体检的地址写成我那边的地址也可以,这样比较一致
。但是ld前年ar11是写的这边的地址。请问有经验的老大们,这样一来,如果ld其他表上面是写的他现在的地址,就和体检报告的地址不一样了,会不会有问题?我是不是要让体检医生给ld 重新出一份693表格,用ld这边的地址。
For G-325A:
1)last address outside the United States of more than one year?
2)employment of last five years:
3)last occupation abraod:
For I-131:
1) what is class of admission?
是不是F, H? I got H1 here and did not return to China to apply H1. So what should I fill here?
2) In part 7 of I-131, do I need to write something on a separate sheet of paper to explain how I qualify for the AP. This is what the form said.
So confused. 谁说的填485没有难点。好多啊。万分感谢