GC_luck20072007-06-16 20:20:36
今年一月份我递交了EB1EA到NSC,二月份递交了NIW到NSC 。四月份,为了我老公的工卡,自己递交了485。 目前,我老公的工卡已经寄出来。我老公打算用他工作。因为目前的NIW有名额。我在想有没有必要将我们的485转到NIW下面,问题基于以下几点:
1. 能否再递一份NIW的485?
2. 我的EB1EA有没有把握:graduated last year, H1B status, Publications 40(10 first authored,) Citations around 200, Presentations 28, editor for one journal, associate editor for another journal, a guest editor for a special journal in our field. I have two honor award from American Societies. One paper is reported in CNN, yahoo, Reuters, ABC and so on. I am members of 2 societies who need some publications like Sigma Xi.I got 7 letters with 5 independent, three from outside of the US.
3. 我老公打算用工卡,我也不希望他因为我的EB1EA被据而必须回国。我的策略是:先将485转到目前current 的NIW下面,如果EB1A批了(也许8-9月份会有结果),我再将485转过来.
xiaobaitu2007-06-16 20:38:24
GC_luck20072007-06-16 20:52:34