mellon2007-06-18 20:57:47
I used EAD card from OPT to work from 2002 to 2003 before obtaining H1b status. Now that EAD card is no-where to be found. I still have the receipt and the approval notice. But it doesn't say valid dates on the approval notice, only the receipt # and A#. I've checked with my previous employer and was told that it's been too long and they may not keep a record of that. So my question is if the receipt # and A# on that approval notice will do for I-485 applicationor I'll have to have a copy of the actual EAD card? Can I order a copy of the EAD card from Nebraska center if I do need it? I feel really bad about losing such an important document. Hope that anybody with similiar situation before or knowledge regarding this situation can provide me with some advice or suggestions. Millions of thanks.