dog_cd2007-06-19 21:20:21
请问一下,今年3月,我自己请律师办了EB1, 140和485 同时file,目前140还没有消息. 但学校的以前file的EB2 140 刚刚批下来了,我可以再file一个485 吗?

sio22007-06-19 21:38:59
my lawyer said you can file as many as you can afford
bbfish2007-06-19 21:50:03
Do you know at what stage they will combine?
TSC072007-06-19 22:08:48
sio22007-06-19 22:26:19
回复:Do you know at what stage they will combine?
bbfish2007-06-19 23:05:37
yes. But the question is that if USCIS combined