乱78遭2007-06-21 20:26:41
NIW 140 approved. Eb1b 140/485 concurrently filed. Eb1b 140 approved but 485 is till pending.

But being afraid to
[1] lose the permenant job which is required by Eb1b.
[2] NIW visa number goes back.
[3] miss the opportunity to pay much less money.

The lawyer said multiple pending 485 could cause confusion and then delay. Is he right?
徐风小驻2007-06-21 20:55:02
乱78遭2007-06-21 21:02:45
徐风小驻2007-06-21 21:07:29
是。你可以交,但交了,你的CASE 就真的乱78遭了。
xiaobaitu2007-06-21 21:13:40
tony12345678902007-06-21 23:20:06
斜字体2007-06-22 03:32:12
回复:My situation is similar to you but have not filed
乱78遭2007-06-22 15:28:11
surely NIW 485 is better for changing jobs.