risesdzch2007-06-22 20:25:27
前一段时间大家大讨论VSC-TSC,我也参与了,有些人说TSC先处理自己的case,后处理那些转来的case,我就完全不同意.中间infopass去了两次,给TSC打了无数次电话,结果收效甚微,非常depress,有一个星期工作都没做.中间我安静了一段时间.后来又想TSC应该按priority date处理,最有效的方法应该是联系senator和congressman,开始给他们发信,没有一个回的,很失望.又过了一个星期想只好亲自去他们office一次,他们态度很好,答应提供帮助.昨天他们说帮助联系TSC,结果今天就approve了,看来TSC的效率也很高. Good luck to everyone.

I-140&I-485, 9/6/05 (NIW)
I-140, 5/11/06 (AD)
5/8/07 (second fingerprint)
I-485, 6/22/07 (AD)

Current Status: Card production ordered.

On June 22, 2007, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you.

coco_fen2007-06-22 20:27:52
Thank you for sharing! Cong!
VSC22007-06-22 20:48:47
oook2007-06-22 20:54:18
So your 2nd FP result was sent to TSC?
risesdzch2007-06-22 21:01:07
I am not sure where my 2nd FP result was.
risesdzch2007-06-22 21:02:33
我理解是senate office起了很大作用,因为VSC转过去的case太多了.
MJP20052007-06-22 21:13:26
had your NC clearned before you contacted with senator?
risesdzch2007-06-22 21:28:45
Yes, my NC has been clearned, which was told by info.
Newbulletin2007-06-22 21:47:00
When is your NC clear
risesdzch2007-06-22 21:55:40
veveve2007-06-22 22:09:26
能不能详细谈谈怎么去senate office谈的,是见senator 本人吗
isman2007-06-22 22:25:32
You are very lucky! PD 05/XX/2005 still waiting!!!!!
tjsdch2007-06-22 22:37:04
My worse! PD 04/25/2005 still waiting!!!!!
risesdzch2007-06-23 00:50:10
risesdzch2007-06-23 01:00:34
把能想到的各种方式都try一下,反正也没有负作用。It will definitely work finally.
wmtygcs2007-06-23 01:26:11
回复:I-485 approved in TSC (transfer from VSC), PD 9/6/05, 分享信息
MJP20052007-06-23 02:17:55
回复:回复:I-485 approved in TSC (transfer from VSC), PD 9/6/05, 分享信息
soliton1112007-06-23 02:32:42
回复:回复:回复:I-485 approved in TSC (transfer from VSC), PD 9/6/05, 分
risesdzch2007-06-23 03:06:02
下星期一给你们sample letter,因为存在单位computer上。
QuentinMom2007-06-23 03:28:04
Thanks for sharing and congratulations!
h-4cool2007-06-23 20:30:22
紫石头2007-06-24 23:38:24
回复:下星期一给你们sample letter,因为存在单位computer上。