zhuyinghengxie2007-06-23 16:23:28
我2000年进入美国持H1B,797是10/1/2000到9/30/2003,但公司2001年破产关门, employment certification said employment terminate at 10/19/2001, but company didn't report to USCIS。两天后,我寄出F2申请,receive notice 是11/3/2001, prove notice start from 12/1/2001。然后,我又转回H1B,5/13/2002.

现在填第一个H1B的结束, 因写哪一个呢?:
1。 10/19/2001
2。 11/2/2001
3。 11/30/2001

1。 10/20/2001
2。 11/3/2001
3。 12/1/2001

xiaobaitu2007-06-23 16:27:04
10/19 12/1
fangzi072007-06-23 16:44:11
zhuyinghengxie2007-06-23 16:56:03
thanks XBT. So there is a couple of GAP doesn't matter?
zhuyinghengxie2007-06-23 16:56:23
fangzi072007-06-23 17:01:35
325上只问last 5 yrs employment呀
xiaobaitu2007-06-23 19:33:10
If less than 6 months, doesn't matter