help_me_please!2007-06-23 19:53:21
I have been out of status for 190 days when I was F-1 3 years ago. The reason for out of status is I didn't notice there was a typo with my completion date on my I-20. When I found out, it had been 190 days late.

I then did reinstatement successfully, and got OPT and H1B without any problem. But after reading through the post in this board, I realized there will be a problem for 485 application. 请问小白兔和射线等大侠, what can I do. I am really worried about that. Thanks a lot!

radiology2007-06-23 20:10:21
lyonsoccer2007-06-23 20:19:03
xiaobaitu2007-06-23 21:30:50
help_me_please!2007-06-23 21:47:53
Thanks you all for your suggestion! 回复:豁免机制是有条件的,必须是有美国公民或永久居民身
help_me_Please!2007-06-23 21:51:05
more questions
lyonsoccer2007-06-24 00:12:44
回复:more questions