USCIS Update
USCIS Announces Temporary Suspension of Premium Processing Service for
Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker
WASHINGTON – Effective July 2, 2007, USCIS is announcing the temporary suspension of Premium
Processing Service for Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker, in accordance with 8 CFR
103.2(f)(2). USCIS anticipates a substantial increase in the number of petitioning employers that will file
Form I-140 petitions requesting Premium Processing Service as of July 2, 2007. This is due to pent up
demand for preference visa categories for which visas will become available according to the Department
of State July 2007 Visa Bulletin. The volume of Form I-140 petitions filed that request Premium Process
Service is expected to exceed USCIS’ capacity to provide the Premium Process Service according to the
Premium Process Service program guidelines.
Premium Processing Service guarantees that within 15 calendar days of receipt of a petition, USCIS will
issue either an approval notice, a notice of intent to deny, a request for evidence or open an investigation
for fraud or misrepresentation.
This suspension will last for 30 days beginning on July 2, 2007 and ending on August 1, 2007. During this
timeframe, USCIS will determine whether it is able to process these cases within 15 calendar days of
receipt. If so, Premium Processing Service will once again be made available for Form I-140 petitions.