floatingleaf2007-06-29 19:45:30
I was wondering whether anyone knows how long it is usually take now.

I went to Vancouver for a H1B re-entry visa on June 4th, but was told to be delayed due to background check, It has been almost one month now. My major is in chemistry, and I did some sensitive research project before. I am currently work remotely for my company in USA.

I was wondering if any of you guys have this problem before, and usually how long it takes. What can I do now except waiting? It is a terrible feeling.

Good thing is that I have Canada PR, so I can stay here as long as I want.

Thanks for any tips, suggestions, or experience sharing stories.
山中小路2007-06-29 19:55:42
留声机2007-06-29 20:13:47
You can make a call to check the status. I forgot the phone
floatingleaf2007-06-29 20:45:49
Thanks to both replies.
漫长岁月2007-06-29 21:23:31
xiaoduo2007-06-29 21:37:59
mine took less than 3 weeks. If your manager or HR can send a fa
floatingleaf2007-06-29 21:43:16
回复:mine took less than 3 weeks. If your manager or HR can send a
shenyangboy2007-07-04 14:05:40
回复:Got background Checked in Vancouver when apply for H1B re-ent