哲哲2007-06-29 20:54:48
What is an immigrant? Let's try a different translation:

疑民--This is the best translation judged by the way FBI checking on you!
遗民?--Nobody really wants you.
伊民?--You foreigners
夷民?--You Aliens
姨民?--You step children
蚁民?--You really have no more rights that a bunch of ants
抑民? --Tell me you are not depressed!
佚民? --You are nobody. The best you can hope is an Alien Number (A#)
弋民?--From one college to another, from one city to another, from one county
to another, what else best describes you?
黟民? Lot of you end up being "out of status" anyway.
知音966912007-06-29 21:06:07
回复:Immigrant: 移民?疑民?遗民?伊民?夷民?姨民?蚁民?抑民?佚民?弋民? 黟民
pingponglover2007-06-29 21:30:49
95112007-06-29 21:39:47